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透過心靈的隱喻療癒身體 Healing The Body Through Mind and Metaphor 透過心靈和隱癒療癒身體 Love and Bonding 愛與結合 Love springs from peace and is at the root of all positive feelings. Love is the expression of the Universal Spirit in all things. Love is at the heart of all that heals and it makes life worthwhile. Bonding is the love that joins and connects, and like love, it leads to balance, contact and co-operation. Bonding generates centeredness and cohesiveness有凝聚力, which are the key elements to healing and success in any issue. Reaching out is always remembered as the most important element to bring about healing and happiness where there is bonding. Love comes from giving, receiving and the sharing of ourselves with others. Love brings joy, happiness and meaning to life. It nurtures, saves, redeems贖回, connects and makes whole. Love stretches us to know ourselves and others more truly, blessing all that it touches. Love generates growth, happiness and abundance. 愛突然由和平躍出是所有正面感覺之根源, 愛對萬物表達宇宙精神. 愛是整個療癒的核心使生命值得, 結合是愛加入和連結. 就像愛一樣, 它帶來平衡, 接觸與合作. 結合讓我們歸於中心並凝具, 是療癒任何議題成功的因素.有結合的地方永遠記得延伸出去帶來療癒和幸福是最重要的元素. 愛來自給出, 接受跟其他人分享我們自己. 愛帶來喜悅, 幸福和生命的意義. 它滋潤, 拯救, 贖回, 連結和讓我們完整, 愛擴張我們, 更真實認識自己和其他人, 帶著祝福它所碰觸到的一切. 愛成長, 幸福和豐富. Any illness is a place where love and bonding are not present, but can be established. Where love and bonding have been lost illness and physical symptoms can begin. Love integrates the different ‘parts’ of our mind that we have judged and sometimes buried, integrating these parts and healing us. Even the love we give to others while we are sick has the effect of healing us, because what we give to others, we give to ourselves. And so if we could see everyone around us as worthy of love, and extend ourselves to them, we bring about a skein一束一? of bonding, which has the effect of bringing about love and success with ease. If we find someone around us whom we don’t see as loveable, then we have found a part of ourselves that we have judged. If we see their behavior as a call for love and help, it can make it easier for us to respond. Perhaps we can begin to see that they are calling for love in all the different ways than they are acting, which is not loving. As we give ourselves for the joy of sharing, we open ourselves to the largesse寬大厚賜慨贈 of love. Love does not demand or give conditions. Love is not easily daunted恐嚇失去勇氣, and love cannot be shattered like the dreams and illusions that can led to our illnesses. Love and bonding heal pain and illness by resolving hidden conflicts. 任何疾病是愛和結合尚未呈現的地方, 但是可以建立. 愛和結合失去的地方疾病和肉體徵兆開始. 愛整合我們心靈不同部份, 我們批判這個部份有時候深埋它, 整合這個部份療癒我們. 甚至我們生病時送給別人愛能有效療癒我們, 因為我們給別人什麼, 我們也給自己. 因此如果我們能看見身邊每個人配得愛, 延伸自己到他們, 我們帶來一束結合, 這樣的結合能輕易帶來愛和成功的效果. 如果我們發現身邊某人看起來不可愛, 那麼我們找到有個部份我們在批判自己. 如果我們看見他們的行為是呼求愛和幫助, 這個呼求愛的行為讓我們更輕易回應它. 或許我們開始看見他們跟他們行為不同的方式呼求愛, 那些不是愛的行為. 當我們為分享的喜悅給出自己, 我們對愛的寬大打開自己. 愛不強求或給狀況. 愛不輕易失去勇氣, 愛不會像夢境和幻象一樣破碎帶給我們疾病. 愛和結合藉著解決衝突療癒痛苦和疾病. Healing Exercise : Love and Bonding 療癒練習: 愛和結合Imagine yourself as a baby in your mother’s arms. Feel the light inside of you joining and connecting with the light inside of her. Now feel the light from within connecting with the light in your father. In the same way, now, feel the light within you connecting and reaching out to the light within everyone around you as you are growing up to the present time. 想像你自己像寶寶抱在母親懷裡. 感覺你內在的光與她內在的光連結. 現在感覺內在的光與你父親的光連結. 同樣方式, 現在, 感覺你內在的光延伸出去與你身邊的每一個人連結一直到你長大到此時此刻.Because of our histories it is sometimes necessary to repeat this exercise, especially with those close to you. Continue feeling the light inside of you joining with the light inside everyone who comes to your mind until you feel completely peaceful, loving and loved. 因為我們的歷史故事有時候需要重覆這個練習, 特別是跟你親近的人. 繼續感覺你內在的光與每一位跳入你心靈他的光結合直到你覺得完全地和平, 愛和被愛. Now envision the part or parts of yourself physically, and at a mind level, that are experiencing the symptoms of your illness. Do this, also, with any emotional aspect that may have led to this illness. Intensify your awareness of this part of yourself. Feel all the love that you have in your heart and soul, as well as all the love that heaven and those around you want to give. Pour all the love flowing through you into the fearful, guilty or conflicted parts of yourself that led to your illness. As you pour this love into yourself and others, experience how this changes and heals the situation. 現在想像你自己肉體一個部份或很多部份, 在心靈的層次, 體驗你疾病的症狀. 跟每一個情緒觀點, 也, 這麼做或許這個情緒帶來這個疾病. 增強對你自己這個部份的覺察. 感覺在你的心和靈內所有的愛, 就好像老天和身邊所有的人要給你的愛. 所有的愛川流不息澆灌在恐懼, 愧疚或你自己衝突的部份這些部份帶給你疾病. 當你澆灌愛到你自己和其他人, 體驗這些如何改變並治癒情境. If you'd like to do more work with Healing The Body Through Mind and Metaphor then Phone Coaching Sessions are available with Psychology of Vision Health Trainers 如果你想要跟透過心靈和隱喻療癒諮商請來電和知見心理學健康訓練師教練諮商